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Health & Wellness

Little Flower’s Mental Health and Medical Department uses a trauma-informed, multi-systemic approach to providing children and families with high-quality services that support their physical and socioemotional health and well-being.
In alignment with Little Flower’s commitment to the Sanctuary model, the team aims to heal the devastating effects of trauma, poverty, racism, substance abuse, violence, and lack of opportunity through the use of research-informed mental health, medical and support services.
As part of their dedication to improving the lives of children and families, the team remains current with best practice by attending trainings, presenting at conferences, collaborating with other providers and child welfare agencies, and implementing evidence-based practices.
1. Medical Services
Children live healthier lives when medical care is accessible and convenient. Little Flower provides individualized medical services designed to meet each child’s and family’s unique needs. These plans are developed through the continuous and coordinated care provided by the Little Flower medical staff in collaboration with pediatricians and specialists.
On admission into the Foster Care program, children are assigned a Nurse Case Manager and a Primary Care Physician (PCP) in the area they reside. The Nurse Care Manager oversees well-child clinics, assists the pediatrician with routine physicals, and coordinates referrals to specialists when recommended.
For residents at the Residential Treatment Center, the Medical Department provides an initial health screen within 24 hours of admission. The RTC has daily nursing coverage, medication administration, and routine medical treatment, including on-site phlebotomy in partnership with a local lab.

Our adolescent population receives confidential reproductive health counseling and assistance with referrals as needed. Additionally, our team coordinates pharmacy and laboratory services.

Little Flower provides mental and behavioral health services for children, youth and their families. These services are provided by licensed psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers.
Youth are screened within 30 days of admission and then annually. The mental health staff refer youth as needed for psychiatric and psychological evaluations, therapy, and support services, including Complex Trauma Assessments for Health Home eligibility. When children exhibit the need for mental health intervention, they are referred for therapeutic services either in the community or through our staff providers. Services provided by Little Flower’s team include:
If psychotropic medication is indicated, children are seen by Little Flower’s consulting psychiatrists or are referred to a community clinic.

Parents and caregivers are encouraged to be a part of the therapeutic process.

Good dental health complements good medical health. Primary dental services coordinated by our Medical department include: