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Post Adoption Services

Little Flower Children and Family Services’ Post Adoption Specialist provides assistance and guidance to individuals who are seeking information about their biological relatives.

Most of the calls we receive are from three groups:

  • Adoptive children who are now adults seeking their birth parents and/or siblings
  • Birth parents seeking their biological children who were adopted
  • Siblings searching for siblings
  • In each case, we provide information and registration forms from the New York State Department of Health Adoption Registry.

Individuals adopted through Little Flower can contact our program to request information about their birth family histories including medical, mental health, religion, nationality, and physical appearance of birth parents. 

Each week, our Post Adoption Specialist receives dozens of calls from adult adoptees, siblings, and biological parents who have been separated after adoption and are now searching for one another many years later. If you are searching for someone, we can provide advice, emotional support, and resources to assist you in your search.

Support groups are available for adoptive parents and adolescents covering a wide range of topics unique to adoptive families. Support groups can provide emotional support, useful information, and camaraderie. Our Post Adoption Specialist can assist in connecting individuals and families to support groups in your area.

Ongoing training is available to pre-and-post adoptive parents covering a number of topics such as adoption process and dynamics, behavior management issues, and strategies for parenting teens. Our Post Adoption Specialist can provide individuals and families with referrals to appropriate training resources.

Adoption subsidy can be a confusing process and issues can arise once a subsidy is approved. Sometimes families don’t receive subsidy checks, encounter challenges with Medicaid card activation orcoverage, or misplace  their subsidy agreement. These are just a few of the kinds of issues we help to resolve.  We can help answer questions regarding your child’s subsidy, and we will work collaboratively with you and NYC Children’s Services Subsidy Upgrade Unit should you believe you are eligible for an increase.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging

Diversity.  Equity.  Inclusion.  Belonging.  At Little Flower, we believe these to be more than words.  These are the values that guide our work and mission — it makes us who we are.