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Little Flower volunteers make significant contributions of their time, talent and resources, enabling the organization to better serve children, youth and families. Whether serving on the board of directors, helping in the office, or serving as a special events volunteer, individuals and groups can have a direct impact on the well-being of children and families.
All individuals must be cleared through a background check with New York State. Please complete the volunteer application (see below). Once your background check is complete, someone from our office will contact you to find the perfect fit.

We offer a
variety of ways to get involved.

Register today and join us in our mission and vision to save and change lives for the better.

1. Creative Support
Little Flower is always looking for talented individuals to share their skills and gifts with those we serve. Love photography? Want to share your love of drawing or painting? Whatever your talent (photography, printing, writing, graphic design, mural/wall art, knitting, etc.), you can share it with Little Flower.
Hosting your own fundraising event is a great way to support Little Flower, involve your friends and family, and have fun at the same time! This is a great opportunity for school, religious and civic groups, office fundraisers, volunteer organizations, or dedicated individuals to make a difference and help those we serve.
Does your office want to bring a group to one of our locations to have a big impact in a short amount of time? Little Flower can craft bespoke volunteering opportunities for corporate and other large groups.
To express your interest in volunteering, please click here to reach out.